Alek's forehead and down his nose were swollen, I think he looked like a Klingon from Star Trek. Jaxon just looked like he got in fight, his eye was swollen and his looked bruised. We got them some Benadryl and we went on with our day. And by the end of the night before they went to bed, they looked like this...
Jaxon's was a little better. But poor Alek just kept getting worse. This morning when they woke up, their faces look a little better, but not back to normal. Poor boys.
Also this weekend Joye got her first PONY TAIL!!!!! I never thought this day would come! I put an elastic in then put in a little bow, and her hair isn't long enough to poke out. But I can't complain, at least she can have a pony!
We also had another pet for a few days. I was in the backyard feeding the dogs and found a pretty big snail. I brought it in to show the boys and Jaxon kept saying, "Oh he's so cute can we keep him" So I gave in and got a container and the boys went out and got dirt, sticks and rocks. Jaxon named him Gary the Snail. How original huh?