
Joye's Blessing

We blessed Joye today. It was great. She was so beautiful in her first white dress. I am so thankful for Braden and the priesthood that he holds. I would like to thank everyone who came to support us and Joye. We had a great time, breakfast was great. If the slide shows don't work, go and click the refresh button and then they should load.

1 Year!

How crazy is it that Me and Braden have been married for 1 year. It seems like just yesterday that we went on our first date. Our anniversary was on a Sunday this year so we celebrated it on the following Tuesday. We went to Tepanyaki. So good. And then we went to the So You Think You Can Dance Tour. It was so fun. I wanted to go so bad so Braden got us tickets, on the first day they went on sale and ever since then I was so excited! We had floor seats 5th row center. We were so close we could see the sweat dripping off their faces! Braden really enjoyed it, but I bet it was nothing to how I felt. They were so much better in person, and Gev made the show for us, he was hilarious.

Here is Gev's solo he was my favorite. I don't know how he can move his body like this.


Braden, his mom and brother Jairon all decided that they were going to run the Top of Utah Marathon. For all of you who don't know and marathon is 26.2 miles. I think they are all crazy. Braden had a little problem though. At mile 14 he moved to the side to get out of the way of a passing car and stepped in a hole. He wrenched his knee pretty bad. But we all know Braden, he was to stubborn to quit so he finished the marathon. If he wasn't in so much pain I would have killed him. When he left for the race I told him not to get hurt, and what did he do? He got hurt. He says that he's never going to do anything stupid like running 26 miles again. Well we'll just have to wait til next year to see if this comes true.

Welcome Home Keenan!

Keenan made it home safe and sound! I was a little nervous, since I had never met him but it was all good. Alek is so shy that he was scared of Keenan for a few days. We painted the famous wall which was cool. I made to slide shows to show all the fun! The first is of the wall and the second is of the airport and the day of Keenan's homecoming. Enjoy!


Too Busy

So I haven't been blogging for awhile, and it's not because I don't have anything, cause I do. I have a ton. We have just been so busy trying to get our house ready for Joye's blessing, that there hasn't been time. So just as kind of a preview of whats going to be here soon; Braden's brother Keenan came home off his mission, It was mine and Braden's 1st Anniversary, our house, and after it's over Joye's blessing. So come back next week and see all of our fun things!


Momma Tina

We took the boys to the cemetery to see Momma Tina yesterday. They always know exactly which headstone is hers and they take off running towards it. Whenever we go before we leave the boys always give her kisses and tell her that they love her. The first two pictures are them giving her kisses. When you ask the boys where Momma Tina is they say she got sick and now she lives in heaven with Jesus. I wish it was always that simple and we were satisfied with that answer.

Braden is telling the Boys stories about their Mom

Our First Mow

We have been waiting to mow our grass, because you have to wait for the sod to take root. And it was finally time! The Boys loved helping

Smith Family Party

Last Saturday we went to my Brother's house for a birthday party. We get together once a month and celebrate all the birthday's for that month. This month we had 4. My brother Cory, his wife Debbie, and my two nieces Sierra and Cambree. We had tons of fun.
Here are some of my nieces and the boys. Everyone is looking except Jaxon, he's to busy eating. He must be Braden's :)

Here is Debbie. I love this picture

And Ricky, I had to show him in his purple shirt that he loves so much!


Yay For Braden!

Braden went and took his physical test for the Salt Lake Police Department today. He needed to do 6 different stations and he had to finish them in 3 minutes and 40 seconds. He was pretty nervous, he always said that he was going to train, but we were always busy so he never got a chance. Apparently he is in better shape than he thought because he PASSED with a 1 minute and 59 seconds!!!! The guy that was testing told Braden that his was the fastest time he has ever seen, and that he should count on interviews. That is such a relief. Today is the two year mark for Tina, and for one of the stations, Braden had to jump over a six foot fence. He kept saying that he hoped Tina would be there with him, throwing him over the fence. Well she must have been pulling him through the course. Even though I never had the opportunity to meet Tina, I feel like a know her. From all the the stories I've heard and pictures I've seen. I hope that I am doing right by her, with the way Me and Braden are raising the Boys. I try to talk about Tina with the Boys everyday. We have 2 pictures of her and the boys in their room, and we always tell them stories. The Boys call her Momma Tina. Her rocking chair is in our living room and sometimes the boys get crazy with it and I tell them that's Momma Tina's chair, you can't break it. Then the boys say ok Mom we won't cause Momma Tina would be mad at us. I always laugh. I don't think Tina could ever be mad at her two boys. We all love and miss Momma Tina. I thank Tina for getting Braden and the boys ready for me, but after having Joye and trying to potty train the boys, I think she had the easy part. Except the part of leaving them, She was a lot braver than I am. I love Tina and I hope I am doing everything she would want me to. I also want to thank the Anderson Family for the way they have accepted me and invited me into their family. They have treated me just like a daughter and sister. I love them. Well the next step for Braden and his road to the SLPD is a written test on the 20th so I'll let you know how that goes.


1st Day of Dance!

Since Jaxon is such a dancer, we decided to put him in dance at the studio I teach at. He is such a natural! He wasn't shy at all just went right out and started stretching and doing exactly what he was being asked. He even picked the steps up really fast and remembered the order really well. Alek on the other hand was too shy to get out there. The last 15 minutes they tumbled and Alek finally got out there. He was still really shy and took some bribing to get him to do anything. But I think after he gets comfortable he will do amazing. Alek is so flexible he would be good. Jaxon loves dance, the whole way home he kept asking when Thursday was so he could go back. Then he told us, he didn't want to sleep he just wanted to go back.
Here they are going in

This is Jaxon's video. There are older boys in the class so the teacher was teaching more for them, but Jax was doing great.

This is Alek, when we finally got him out there. He's doing a cart-wheel.