
Our Thanksgiving!

One picture sums it all up!

After a long day of eating and playing with cousins at Grandma and Grandpa Anderson's, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Fessler's for more fun. After playing hard with the puppies, eating lots of crackers and a grueling game of Scum, Joye zonked out!

We had a busy day, but we had tons of fun. The kids got to spend time with cousins that they don't see very often. Then at the Fessler's Keenan and Calee brought their new puppy and the kids had a blast! We played Scum and a killer (literally) game of Spoons which Braden won against me in the finals.


Alek's Birthday Celebrations

Better late than never right? Well Alek had a great birthday! We went down to my family's and had a birthday party for Alek and my brother Rusty. He got his favorite present there. Aunt Mi-A gave him a zip-up hoodie (the one in the pictures below) He thinks it's a Braves jacket. I can't even get him to wear his winter/snow coat when it snows. He just wants to wear his Braves jacket. Then on his birthday Grandma and Grandpa Anderson came to see him and then Grandma and Grandpa Fessler. We took Alek to the store a few days before his birthday and let him look at the toys to see what he wanted. He wanted Legos,the biggest box for $100, which he didn't get. And a Transformer, but not any Transformer the one that turns into a motorcycle. So I had Braden go and buy a smaller Lego set, and the Transformer and go hide them in the truck, while I finished some shopping. Alek was distraught. We didn't buy my presents...When are we going to get my presents?On his birthday I hid in my room and wrapped his presents and brought them out for him. He was so excited! He ripped them open and the first thing he said was, "When did you go to the store to get these!?"
While Braden was at work, we made Alek's cake. The boys wanted to help so bad. I iced it and wrote on it, then handed over the frosting and let the boys take over. They had so much fun!
Alek said he was big enough now to cut his own cake. He did a pretty good job. None of the pieces were the same size, but he had fun.
Joye didn't care how her piece was cut.
She enjoyed it just the same.


Our Big 4 Year Old!

That's right! Another year has past and Alek is turning 4! He has gotten so big the last few weeks. He has always been a good helper and will do pretty much whatever you ask him to do. But the other day he has started to do things on his own. I made the kids peanut butter sandwiches for lunch the other day and Jaxon eats a ton so I left the stuff out knowing that I was going to need to make more. After Alek had eaten his sandwich he left the room, a few minutes later he came and told me that he put all the lids on and put all the stuff away where it goes. What a good kid. He can't wait to get big. Everyday he'll come sit on my lap and say, " Momma, when I get big I'm going to play football, and basketball, and soccer ball, and I'm going to ride horses and motorcycles, and work on cars like Daddy!" These are the usual things, sometimes I get a few variations. Last year was pretty hard for Jaxon, he wanted it to be his birthday too, we had a lot of tears. So we convinced them that being the same age for a month and a half is pretty cool. So when it started to get close to Alek's birthday we started bringing out the "You get to be 4 together!" And it hasn't been that bad this year so either the being 4 together worked or Jaxon is getting old enough to realize that it's ok and his birthday is coming soon. The big blow out this year though, was the kids are part of the Toys R Us birthday club. So Toys R Us sends them a birthday card with a gift card inside. So the first thing was Alek got mail and Jaxon didn't. We all know how exciting it is to get mail! Then Alek opened it up and I read it to him, and he got to go pick out a toy. That's when Jaxon lost it. So unfair, it's hard for them. Anyway I took him aside and told him that he would get one on his birthday and not to worry. So after that everything has been pretty good. Even when we went to the store and let Alek pick out his thing Jaxon didn't even whine when he didn't get anything. By the way Alek picked Guess Who Marvel Comic edition! Brade was just as excited to crack it open and play. Happy Birthday Alek! We all love you so much! We are so proud of who you are. And love all the things you want to do when you get big. Love Mom, Dad, Jaxon, Joye and Momma Tina. Momma Tina loves you so much and looks down on you from heaven.



We had good Halloween! We went to my Brother Ricky's house and ate dinner. Navajo Tacos (My favorite) and their neighbor across the street brought a cheese soup with veggies in it. It was so good I ate a bowl with dinner and then after we trick-or-treated I had 2 more. After dinner we got the kids dressed up and off we went.
Alek was Wolverine. We let his hair grow out so we could get the hair style down and we drew mutton chops on him and we made his claws out of cardboard and wrapped them in tinfoil. They looked good, but we didn't think them through. He couldn't grab anything. So the whole night Jaxon had to get candy for Alek and put it in his bucket for him.
Jaxon was Wade from X-Men Origins. He had his swords and was in seventh heaven. When we drew mutton chops on Alek, Jaxon wanted a beard too. So Braden drew a 5 o'clock shadow on him. Well the next morning before church I threw the kids in the tub and we got ready for church sat down in Sacrament meeting and I look over and Jaxon's whiskers didn't come off in the tub! So out came the baby wipes and we got them off.
We were going to make Joye be someone from X-Men, but we couldn't decide what to do. Sherin had a witch costume that we could borrow, so Joye became a witch. I got Joye dressed and put her hat on and she wore it all over Ricky's house. As soon as we went out trick-or-treating, off came the hat and she wouldn't even let it touch her head. She ripped it off as soon as it did. It's a good thing I took a picture in the house!
The kids got a ton of candy. But their favorite thing they got was a toothbrush. You heard me, a toothbrush. They haven't let those things out of their sight. They have brushed their teeth a million times the last 2 days. I can't complain. They are brushing all the candy they're eating off their teeth. No cavities for the Fesslers!