

This is a catch up post. There have been a few things the last couple weeks that I haven't blogged about, so here they are.
First off... We were getting ready to go somewhere, Braden came up to me laughing he said, "You'll never believe what I just did!" I said, "What?" Then looked over at him and busted up laughing. He had put his shirt on backwards! A Polo Shirt! I can see putting a t-shirt on backwards, but a polo? So after I had finished laughing at him, I walked into the boys room to see if they were ready and Alek had his polo shirt on backwards too! So I had to take a picture.#2. We got out our Slip 'N Slide the other day and let the boys play. They had fun, except it was still a little to cold out to really enjoy it.
Jaxon went first
Then Alek
Even Daddy got in on the action. He couldn't let the boys have all the fun.
#3. My Dad got Joye a little stroller for her birthday. So we have been trying to get her to push it, to help her walk. When we first tried, she would fall to her knees and push it while on her knees. She has gotten the hang of it, but she looks so funny when she does it. She walks so straight legged, and she pulls the funniest faces. She is still a chicken, this hasn't help her bravery. She can stand by herself she just won't. We went up to Bruce and Shirley's yesterday so Braden could shoot his bow, and we were sitting on the side lines. I was sitting in one chair and had another turned around, with my legs on it. Joye was standing up on that one. She would jump up and down, then let go and clap and raise her hands up, to cheer for Daddy and Grandpa. The whole time balancing, then she would realize that she was standing alone and either grab the chair again or sit slowly down. She is such a stinker.

#4. Braden was drinking a Coke and Joye decided that she wanted some. Braden decided to give her some thinking she would hate it and not want anymore...WRONG! Joye loved it, she would grab the can and suck on it for a while. She keeps saying Mmm. Please excuse Jaxon's burp in the middle of this video. If you listen close, after I say Jaxon, he kind of giggles then whispers, "I burped!" He's such a goofy kid.


Joye's Party

We had a birthday party for Joye on Saturday. She had a good time. All of our families were there. We had sandwiches with lots of yummy salads, and then cake and ice cream. Joye opened her presents really well. I would pull the tissue paper out of the bags and she'd reach her arm all the way in to pull out the present. She showed her appreciation by oo-ing and ah-ing, as she pulled things out. We gave her her own cake which I thought she would destroy, cause she destroys everything else, but she mainly used her one finger to dig in it. We think she didn't destroy it, because we were letting her play in it, if she wasn't supposed to she would have. It's good to get all of our families together and mingle. We had the party at the park by our house, so all the kids had fun playing on the toys. Thanks everybody who came, to support Joye. We love you all.

Opening presents.

She wanted to open every card and read it.
Cake Time!
When Alek gets older he's going to be mad we photographed this moment in his life. Alek is such a skinny kid with no bum, he was having issues keeping his pants up, well he was crossing the trains and he didn't have a third hand to keep his pants up. Notice Jaxon right next to him not helping him, just letting him hang there...Ah brotherly love :)
When everybody had left, Braden's dad and Bruce and Shirley stayed to help clean up. Bruce was holding Joye, and Joye wanted him to know how much she loved him. She is always willing to give kisses, but I've never seen her like this. She would put her face against his, then lean back and look at him, then lean forward and kiss him. She kept kissing his cheeks too.
Joye had a great birthday! Well except for the fact that she blew out her diaper all over the floor, during Relief Society, but other than that...Great! Thanks everybody for making Joye's birthday special.


Happy Birthday Joye!!!!

I can't believe our Baby Joye is already 1. She is such a joy to have in our lives. She is hardly ever grumpy, and always smiling. The 1st counselor in our Bishopric says we named her well that her name fits her perfectly. Joye is going to be our little Tom-Boy. We buy her dolls and girly things for every holiday and she doesn't give them the time of day; she would rather steal one of her brothers' cars or action figures. Joye loves Daddy. If daddy is home she's right there next to him. She loves being under the cars working with daddy. Which doesn't make mom too happy when she comes in covered in grease. She loves being outside. She's getting used to Mustang pretty fast. Mustang is very curious, he just wants to figure out what Joye is all about. He is so good with her. She loves to be with her brothers, they will play all day in the boys room, or on the trampoline. Joye is such a flirt. She loves to give kisses and is extra generous to the men. She will give Daddy and the boys a million kisses and I have to beg for them. Even Shelby gets more kisses than I do. Joye loves it when Shelby licks inside her mouth. Shelby must be good a kisser, because the boys love it too. She's not too fond of Mustang kisses but I'm sure she'll get there. Travis and Brittney came over to the house a few weeks ago and Joye fell in love with Travis. She layed on him and cuddle forever. She would sit up and give him kisses and then go right back to cuddling. For anyone who has held Joye she is not a cuddler. There are places to be, and people to see, there is no time for cuddling. She must be her father's, she sure didn't get that trait from me. Joye loves computers, Braden left his laptop open on the floor and I found Joye on all fours on top of it, and she was just pounding on the keys. Joye, as you can tell from her pictures, is still bald as ever. She has a patch of hair on the back of her head that is really thick and really blonde. Other than that... bald. We may still get a red head, a lady at the studio says that her daughter is a red head and she was really blonde when she was a baby and as she got older it kept getting redder. She has finally started crawling on her hands and knees, she has figured out that she can go faster that way, instead of pulling her body with her arms. The tops of her toes are becoming callused because she drags then all over the driveway. She doesn't walk yet, she's too chicken. Everyone tells me that's a good thing that she doesn't walk yet, but I look at it from the laundry woman stand point. When ever she is outside, she comes in with her pants from the knees down and her socks filthy. Other than her brother's room her favorite room is the bathroom, but since we shut the door and won't let her in there she has found a new room... the kitchen. We have a big drawer that we put our popcorn, rice, pancake mix etc. in. The drawer is really heavy so I hardly ever shut it all the way. Joye thinks this is the best thing ever, she reaches her hand in the drawer and grabs anything and everything she can and throws it over her head. This is usually the individual packets of Easy Mac. After she has thrown everything she can, she heads to the dog food and water. Shelby usually ends up with his food in his water, which he'll settle for, over Joye pulling his tail. Our Baby Joye has a temper and a half. She throws tantrums like no other. When you take things away from her she will cry and shriek and put her head on the floor between her legs. The best is she knows that she shouldn't be playing with cable box, so when she is, all you have to say is Joye and she throws herself on the floor and breaks down until she thinks you're not looking anymore then she'll climb back up to play with it. We play this game for a long time until she finally gives up and goes to find something else to destroy. Joye is getting so big she's almost not a baby anymore, but I think her name will be Baby Joye for the rest of her life. Still whenever anybody asks the boys what their little sister's name is they say "Baby Joye Raquelle Fessler." They respond "Oh Joye huh?" The boys say "No, Baby Joye" Happy 1st Birthday Baby Joye!! We love you so much and are so happy you came to join our family.


Mother's Day!

I had a great Mother's Day! Well after church that is... I had to speak in Sacrament Meeting. Anyway after church we came home, changed our clothes and left to go see my mom, Grandma Joyce. The boys had fun going to see all the graves and seeing what they had on them.
My Mom!

Mom, Me and Joye

Joye sat on the grass for a little bit and babbled to Grandma. Probably telling her how crazy her mother is. Grandma Joyce already knows :)

Then we went to go see Momma Tina. The first thing Alek said when we got out of the car was. "Can I kiss Momma Tina today? I didn't want to last time, but this time I do!" Alek decided that whatever he did to the front of the head stone he had to do to the back. Momma Tina got lots of kisses this time. Alek was trying to make up for last time I guess. We also found out that Jaxon is a grave robber. At my mom's cemetery, Jaxon and Alek came back from one of their walks and Jaxon had stolen a baseball off someones grave. Then we get to Tina's and he tries to steal the pennies that Grandpa Anderson leaves for Tina. Then we look over and he is taking a toy jeep off someone else's grave. I couldn't believe him.
Alek kissing the front and the back of Tina's headstone.

These are my favorite pictures. We tried to take some on her birthday but it was too cold and we couldn't get the boys to cooperate. They have grown so much!
Jaxon saying good-bye

After the cemeteries we went to go see Grandma Anderson and Grandma Fessler. We went to Bruce's Mom's to see everybody. It was fun to see everybody again. We haven't been up there for a while when everyone was there. Funny story real quick on Saturday we went to my brothers house and he asked me what we were doing for Mother's Day I told him we were going to see Mom, then Tina, then Shirley and Braden's mom. He got so worried. He said wait a second, what happened to Shirley how come we didn't hear anything about it. He thought we meant go visit her grave. I had to explain that everything was ok and she was still here. Then on Sunday my Dad went with us to see my Mom. He asked where we were going next we told him the plan and he got confused. He kept saying Braden your mom? We'd say yes, then he would said well what happened to her, haven't I met her before. He thought we meant that we were going to go visit Braden's mom's grave. Either there is something wrong with our explaining skills or their listening skills. I just thought that was funny.

Well for Mother's Day Braden got me 2 new games, a movie, and an itunes gift card. Three of my favorite things. Then the kids got me Willow Trees. A month ago I saw these in the Deseret Book catalog, and fell in love with them. I told Braden over and over that Mother's day was coming up and I wanted them. So Jaxon gave me the Caring Child, Alek gave me the Inquisitive Child and Joye gave me the Joyful Child (left to right). I think they are so cute. I bet your thinking Joye... Joyful child. But when i was looking through the catalog the descriptions were on a different page. I thought to myself that this one is the one I wanted for Joye and when I looked to see what it was called it turned out to be the Joyful Child.

Thank you Braden, Jaxon, Alek, and Joye for making my Mother's Day great. I love you all so much!


Silly Joye

Joye loves the kitchen, she usually plays in one of the drawers but I walked in the other day and found her in the pot and pan cupboard. She had pulled the door open and pulled out 3 pots that were in there and made a little fence with them. I watched her for a long time and she would climb in and talk to herself then climb out and play with the pots. Then back in to talk and back out again to play. Under the cupboard is a squeeze-it bottle that she stole from one of her brothers. She loves them for some reason. She will carry them all over the house and chew on the top of them. She throws a fit whenever you take them away. She hasn't gotten into this cupboard again, she has gone back to her drawer. I can't believe how big she is getting. She is so tall!