
Fessler Family Home Evening

This weekend we went up to Braden's parents for Family Home Evening. Braden's Mom wanted all of us to get together Friday do dinner, play games, then spend the night. Then on Saturday it would be work day, doing whatever project needed to be done. Then the next month we would go to someone else house. Which means we get to spend time together, and get things done around the house. Our project this weekend was digging a new fire pit in the backyard, and burning. Fire=Hot Dogs!!

Digging the fire pit. There were more people helping dig but Braden was being a goof and decided to show us a sweet move he called "The Reverse Shovel" He jumped onto the shovel and busted the handle right off. It was so funny.
After digging the dirt it was transferred to another part of the yard, to try to even it out.
Jaxon and Aunt Teonna
We had to move rocks around the yard, so Alek used his dump truck to help.
Joye helping with the shoveling
Here I am. It doesn't look like I'm doing much, but I really did help
After the pit was dug. We lined it with all the rocks that Alek helped move.
We're admiring our nice hard work
Ta-Da! Group shot!
Grandpa said it was his grave so he laid down in it. Joye didn't like this one little bit. Braden had to chase her and hold her for the group picture.
Grandpa in front, Teonna, TaNesha, Joye, Braden, Rindi, Alek, Grandma, and Jaxon
Next it was fire time!
We had to move all the weeds and tree trimmings over to the fire pit.
Joye helping Daddy carry his big tree
Pyro Teonna starting our fire.
After the work was done the kids went inside to help Grandpa get lunch ready. While they were in there Grandma and the girls had gotten an Easter Egg Hunt ready for the kids.
All the kids with their loot
Joye is such a goof
After the Easter Egg Hunt, we roasted hot dogs, and ate lunch. Then we sat around the fire and talked for a while. During that time we said how funny it was that we were sitting around a fire in the middle of the afternoon. I should have gotten a picture but I didn't.
After a long day of work and playing by the fire, you can guess how great we all smelled, so it was tub time. The kids love bathing in Grandma's big tub.

After bath time we had a little lesson about being different. We sang lots of songs, which our kids loved! Then it was time for the kids to go to bed and the adults stayed up and played games and had a great time! What a fun weekend. Thanks Grandma, Grandpa, Teonna and TaNesha!!!


The Smiths said...

Looks like you guys had a really fun weekend!

Katelyn said...

I don't believe you really helped. I think you just stood around taking pictures and posing for pictures ;)