
Can't Catch A Break

Well we have caught Bruce's luck somehow. We can't get anything to go our way. On Thursday I took Braden's truck to my dentist appointment, I got off my exit and the truck started acting weird when I was shifting. Then I stopped again and the clutch blew up (literally), and like the clutch wasn't enough, when it blew up it broke the control arm on the passenger side. So I was late for my dentist appointment and Braden had to be in Salt Lake and we only had one car. We can't win.


The Many Faces of Jairon

These pictures are from Braden and Tina's camera. They were taken at Keenan's farewell. So 2 years ago. Everytime I see these I just laugh. I hope Jairon doesn't kill me for posting these. LOVE YA JAIR!!

Mystery Over

We can't decide what to get Joye for Christmas, well on Monday we figured it out. We are going to get her a plastic cup, sounds fun huh. Grandpa was holding her and she grabbed his cup and wouldn't let go. She played with it and sucked on it forever. Even when we laid her on the floor by herself she kept it in her grip. Easy and cheap. That's the way to do it.

Carving Pumpkins

We went to Mark and Sherin's on Monday to carve pumpkins. We had so much fun. Bruce had these cool little knives that looked like mini saws for carving pumpkins. The kids had a blast with them, and we didn't have to worry about them cutting themselves. Jaxon wouldn't clean out his pumpkin he said how gross it was. And Alek was afraid but Grandpa helped him get over his fear, well kinda. When Grandpa has the opportunity to tease someone he takes it.


8 Fun Things

I was tagged by Leslie

8 TV Shows I love to watch
1. Bones
2. House
3. Fringe
4. Ellen
5. Hole in the Wall (Its so funny to see people try so hard and get denied!)
6. Friends
7. Raymond
8. So You Think You Can Dance (When it's on!)

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Tepanyaki (I blame Braden fully for this)
2. Olive Garden
3. Red Robin (2 words... mudslide pie)
4. Chili's
5. Melina's
6. Costa Vida
7. Applebees
8. Golden Corral ( Only for the baby corn. That's all I eat when I go there.)

8 Things that happened yesterday
1. I did some laundry
2. and Dishes (our dish washer decided to start working again)
3. Braden took Shelby to the vet for his broken nail.
4. Looked for houses
5. I went to Debbie's (HI DEBBIE)
6. I went to dance
7. I realized how out of shape I was
8. Played games with Braden. ( I have gotten my luck back, YAY. Bruce missed out.)

8 Things I'm looking forward to
1. Braden starting his job
2. Thanksgiving
3. The Boys' Birthday's
4. Christmas
5. Getting back into shape so I can dance again
6. Getting Alek potty trained
7. The next time Katelyn comes home
8. Game night!

8 Things on my wish list
1. Getting back into shape
2. Getting Alek out of diapers
3. Bigger House
4. Vacation with just Braden
5. Disneyland (this is always on my list, I love Disneyland. It is the happiest place on earth)
6. A Mustang
7. A maid
8. All the games and movies ( the good ones at least)

8 People I tag
Well I don't know 8 people so whoever wants to


This is for Debbie!

It is my niece, Brooke's, birthday today, so we had a birthday party for her yesterday. It was a Halloween theme, She was Dorothy. My sister in law Debbie is so creative and puts so much thought and effort into her party's. Everyone came dressed up, we played some games, there was a spook alley in the basement, and the cake was awesome. I didn't get a picture of it I wish I had, it was a haunted house. Alek had so much fun that he fell asleep in the car. HI DEBBIE!!!!

Kids In Their Costumes

Well here they are! The Gang from Peter Pan. I love Jaxon's costume, It looks awesome. I love Alek in the picture with just the boys. He has his hand on his hip and he's leaning on his sword. He is too cool.

Just Had To

I just had to post this picture. I think it is so funny. I was holding her the other night and I looked down and she was sound asleep, holding her bottle and grabbing on to her foot. And she wouldn't let go of either for anything.


Jaxon In Trouble

Jaxon and Alek were in their room playing and we hear crying. Jaxon comes out first and says that Alek hit him in the face, so then Alek comes out and says that he didn't. So after a few minutes of trying to decode their babbling. We figured out that Jaxon had also hit Alek in the face. But they wouldn't tell us who hit first so we sat them on opposite walls with their arms folded. Jaxon was so tired that he fell asleep. It was so funny... enjoy.

Fun at Grandma Anderson's

We went to Bruce and Shirley's because Grandma and Grandpa Palmer were in town. We had fun, but we always do when we're there. The kids played down stairs and the bigger kids played up stairs. We missed Chris and Staci and Erick and Leslie, and their kids.


Blessing Pictures

We took Joye and got her pictures taken in her blessing dress. She was so smiley and they turned out great.


Getting Closer

Braden is getting closer and closer to his dream job. So far he has passed his physical test at the top of his class, then he passed his written exams also at the top of his class. The HR director called Braden and said that she was going to put all his paper work through personally. On Wednesday he went and had his meeting with the psychologist, he said that there were 20-30 spots open and that Braden would be an excellent candidate for the Salt Lake Police Department. Then today he went and took his lie detector test and he passed that as well. So according to the schedule Braden's next step is a meeting with the Chief of Police in November, which seems so far away. If he gets past the chief, then he goes to the medical tests then he's in. Braden is doing great, I am so proud of him. I am so excited for him that he is getting closer and closer to his dream.



I have been tagged by Leslie
Let's see just how Quirky I am.....
tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours:

#1. I can be one of the messiest people, but all of my movies, books, and CDs have to be in alphabetical order. I guess my books don't have to be in alphabetical or they have to be in numerical order. Like the Harry Potter series has to be in order. When I go to other peoples houses and I notice,I have the hardest time controlling myself, I want to fix them.

#2. I hate shoes. My theory is bare foot or flip flops. Even when I am wearing flip flops they come off whenever first chance I get. When Braden and I started dating, we would go over to Bruce and Shirley's a lot. I would never have shoes on. They thought it was so weird. Then I hurt my ankle dancing, and I went to the doctor and he said that most of it was because I don't wear shoes. So I had to go shopping and get some shoes. (I don't own any, I don't believe in shoes) And the next time we went to Bruce and Shirley's, Bruce said "hey you're wearing shoes" Right then he knew something was wrong.

#3. When I go out to eat I absolutely can't order the same thing as someone else at the table. It's worse when there is only one or two other people. Braden says I'm crazy, but it bothers me.

#4. I can't stand unloading the dishwasher and putting the dishes away. But I love to load it. Weird. I can't explain it. So whenever Braden is home, I try to get him to unload and I'll load. But sometimes Braden doesn't put things where they go. The silverware has its place and the plates and bowls have to be biggest on the bottom smallest on the top. And just like #1 if it's not right I have to fix it.

#5. I have to count the beat to every song that is on the radio, or that I hear. I don't know if it's because I'm a dancer or what, but Braden can always tell when I'm doing it. I also have to move to music, I can't just hold still, and if I am holding still, I'm dancing in my head. I don't judge music by the words, I judge it by the beat and whether or not it would be good to dance to.

And finally #6. Braden has always made fun of the way that I eat. I have a very specific process that I do. For example mashed potatoes. I take mashed potatoes, then mix corn in with it. If there is white gravy that goes in next if there isn't Ranch is next, then ketchup and it has to be the right consistency, then I'll eat it. But I don't eat mashed potatoes alone, they have to be mixed with whatever meat I am eating. I take a scoop of potatoes on my fork, then stab the meat, get a little more potatoes on the bottom of the meat, then I eat it.

I don't know if I'm considered quirky or OCD.

I tag Sherin, Staci, Joni, and Debbie

Too Big

I can't believe how big Joye is getting. She is getting too big too fast. She has started to roll over now. She's funny she'll be on her back and she'll flip over onto her belly, then she wiggles and kicks her feet and tries to army crawl with her arms, and she just ends up going around and around in circles. One day she was on the floor all day playing, she would get tired and bunch up her blanket under her head and take a little cat nap then wake up and start her circling again. We started her with cereal in her bottle and then we tried applesauce. She loves applesauce. Jaxon and Alek haven't really cared so far about what Joye was doing, but as soon as that spoon came out they had to be in on that action.

Shelby loves Joye. Wherever Joye is laying or sitting Shelby is right there by her side. He is so protective. That is until Joye grabs a handful of fur or his tail. Then he leaves, but he comes right back for more.

Joye has been laughing for a while now but she is either too stubborn or camera shy and I can never get it on film. Well we tricked her and I finally got some.