
1 Year!

How crazy is it that Me and Braden have been married for 1 year. It seems like just yesterday that we went on our first date. Our anniversary was on a Sunday this year so we celebrated it on the following Tuesday. We went to Tepanyaki. So good. And then we went to the So You Think You Can Dance Tour. It was so fun. I wanted to go so bad so Braden got us tickets, on the first day they went on sale and ever since then I was so excited! We had floor seats 5th row center. We were so close we could see the sweat dripping off their faces! Braden really enjoyed it, but I bet it was nothing to how I felt. They were so much better in person, and Gev made the show for us, he was hilarious.

Here is Gev's solo he was my favorite. I don't know how he can move his body like this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gev ROCKS!!!!