Where we went in and saw this family sealed together, forever! It was so special, I cried like a baby.
Of course lots of pictures were taken
All the Fessler's that came to support Kris and Brenda on their special day
After the temple we got in the car and the temperature was 113. Crazy hot. We followed Braden's Aunt Kaylynn to get back to Brenda's because we thought she knew the way. Well she didn't and instead of driving an hour to get back we ended up driving like 2.5 hours. We had 3 cars driving around lost. I thought it was fun. Well during our little lost outing, Braden trying to catch up with the group, pulls out in front of a cop. The cop is clearly thinking about pulling us over, then we catch up to Kaylynn and she pulls out in front of us and crosses all the lanes of traffic trying to get onto the freeway. The cop also sees this and is now trying to decide which one of us to pull over. He can't get behind either one of us, so at the stop light he is right next to us and makes Braden roll down his window so he can tell him to be more careful. Neither one of us got a ticket, thank goodness, but it was sure eventful. We got back to the hotel and to keep the kids quiet in the car, we bribed them with swimming when we got back. Joye was excited and started running to the front door of the hotel. Braden yelled at Grandpa to be careful, he didn't hear so he turned around while opening the door and got Joye's toe under the door. It ripped her toenail off, and some skin. She is so tough! She didn't cry for very long, then played the rest of the day without complaining. After changing and relaxing for a few hours, we went to Kris and Brenda's and partied!
The next day we headed home. We stopped here to eat lunch
We parked on one side of the dam and walked across, which was so scary by the way. The wind and the cars driving across would make the bridge bounce. Joye is fearless, she was leaning up against the fence and looking straight down, at one point she would just lean her head against it with no hands.
Here are some pictures, Braden took while we were driving home.
We finally got home, we dropped Braden off about 1 am so he could get some sleep in before he had to go to work. I ran Braden's dad and sisters home. Then I finally got home around 1:45 am. When I got home I looked at the mileage from the entire trip it read 1651.3 That is way to many miles in 3 days. Even though it was a short trip we loved it. Thank you Kris and Brenda for inviting us to share your special day. Congrats!