
Our Trip

Ever since Christmas the boys have been bugging us to go swimming. So we decided that we would go up to my brother's cabin and make a trip to Lava Hot Springs to let the boys swim. The Cabin was covered in snow. We had to park on the road and hike up through all the snow. It was so deep that Braden and I would sink in up to our thighs. Our first trip up we got the boys in all their snow stuff and sent them up the hill. Jaxon kept sinking in and boobing that he couldn't walk, but Alek decided to crawl, which was smart because he didn't sink in at all. He crawled all the way to the cabin on top of the snow. When he figured this out he crawled every where the rest of the trip. Jaxon would crawl for a second but he wouldn't do it for a long time so he just cried. The Cabin is heated by a wood burning stove, so when it's really cold it take a while warming up. We all stayed in our warm clothes til the cabin warmed up. After we made all of our trips to get everything up to the cabin, we made hot chocolate. You can see how happy the kids are to be there.

Joye especially
The next day we went to Lava. The kids had so much fun! Joye splashed and splashed. The boys would stand on the side and jump in over and over. They didn't want to leave.

The first night since the cabin was still chilly the boys slept in their clothes, the second night I convinced them to wear their footie pajamas. Jaxon's had a dinosaur on it and the rest of the night he was a dinosaur, growling at us. That's why his face is like that, he's growling.

Braden had to cut some firewood to replace the stuff that we used. He found a tree that had fallen down and cut it into pieces. The boys were all about helping.

Here's Alek crawling around. The boys had so much fun in the snow.

The boys didn't want to leave the cabin. They could've stayed forever. Since we were only going to be there for a few days we didn't turn the water on, which means no toilet. I was the only one that this was an inconvenience for. The boys would run to the door and fling it open and just let it go. I think that is part of the reason they didn't want to leave. Their other favorite part was when we would boil snow some would fall on the stove and pop. All they wanted to do was throw snow on the stove.


I Wanna Be Like Dad

Alek has made Braden the happiest Dad. Not only does Alek bother him pretty much everyday to go duck hunting, he loves tools. I can't think of anybody who loves tools more than Braden. Alek loves going shopping especially with Braden, because he knows he can get tools out of Daddy. Every time I send them to the store, Alek comes back with a screwdriver, hammer, or wrench. He always gets excited when Braden takes him to the Orange Store (Home Depot), that's where all the tools are. By the way to Alek there are only 2 stores, the Orange Store which is Home Depot and the White Store which is Wal-Mart. Well the other day Braden was doing some work on the house, and Alek was so excited to use his tools. When Braden has his construction pencil's he just shoves them into his hat. Alek knows this and even though Braden wasn't using his pencil, Alek had to get his, because you don't work without your pencil. Then he couldn't find his hat (end of the world, where would he put his pencil!) So I had to go find a hat so he could put his pencil in it. He is so observant. He knows exactly what Braden does, notice his glasses in the picture. He was the happiest kid working along side his dad.


Time Flies...

Joye is 8 months today. It seems like yesterday that I had her. Time flies when you're having fun! She is getting so big. I can't keep enough food in the house for her, it's like feeding a teenage boy. And she is just like her father and eats so fast. But I don't know where all of her food goes, she's not chubby by any means (I wish I had that problem) She has been pulling herself up to stuff, the other day Jaxon was sitting on the little chair and she pulled herself up and was trying to climb onto his lap. Jaxon is such a good brother, he just sits there and lets her do it. He could play with her all day.

She is exploring more and trying to get into trouble. She will see something on top of our entertainment center that she wants and she will try with everything she has to get it. She's not quite to the point that she can pull herself up to big things yet, but we'll have our hands full she she starts. She likes to tease and play with everyone. She gets to wake Daddy up every morning, I'll lay her on the bed and she'll pull herself up to him and start hitting him, and she'll yell at him and babble, til he wakes up to pay attention to her. She has found a great way to tease me. Since I am OCD about my movie's they have to be in alphabetical order, she goes over to them and pulls them all out, which wouldn't be bad I'd just put them back in, but she will put some back in and then they are all out of order. Stupid I know, but then I'm sitting in front of the entertainment center til all of them are put back. She doesn't know what she is doing, but I bet when she gets bigger and figures out that it bothers me she'll do it just to bug me. Braden does that every once in a while, just to see how long it takes me to notice and to go a fix it.


Our Little Reader

Well for a little history on this post. I drug Braden to see Twilight with me the other night, and he loved it and it made him want to read the books. I wasn't done reading the third or the fourth. So the next day he started reading the first and I started reading the third. Our kids saw us reading a lot, and Alek didn't want to be left out so we told him to go get one of his books, but that wasn't good enough. He wanted one like mom and dad. He loves to read it. He gets on the chair and the book is always upside down and he stares intently at the pages and every once in a while he will whisper what he is reading. When he starts to whisper I'll look at him and smile, he'll look up and get this weird look on his face and says "What? What are you looking at? I'm just reading right now." Then he'll get back to his book.


More Crazy Sleeping

Well a few posts ago I told what crazy sleeping kids we have. I caught our third the other night, getting in on that action. Every night before I go to bed I check on the kids and make sure they are okay and covered up. When I check on Joye, she usually is on her belly (She is just like her Father), but the other night when I checked on her; she was on her belly, with her arms tucked under her (also like her Father), up on her knees, and sideways in her crib. When she gets into a big bed, she is definitely going to need a rail.


Messy Joye

Well Jaxon and Alek haven't learned that anything you leave on the floor Joye gets. Today I was in the other room and I heard the boys yelling and pouting, so I came into the living room and I found Joye on the floor eating the boys' Reese's Buttercups. She must be like her mom because I took the chocolate away and she threw a fit.

Funny Alek

Jaxon and Alek love oranges. We got some the other day and they have been eating them like they're going out of style. Braden and I are tired of peeling them so we have told the boys to try themselves. Jaxon takes control and has seen people bite them open, so he tries to bite it. Alek throws a fit every time. "No you can't do that! Only Grandpa Anderson can!" So anybody else has to use their fingers, because biting them is Grandpa Anderson's trick.


New Year...New Look

So I've been wanting to change my hair for a long time, but I've been scared to cut it short. Well I finally got up enough courage, and Braden gave me the okay. So I went and cut it all off. It's so weird, I have never had short hair. It's going to take awhile to get used to it. So see what you think.

