Today the boys ate their breakfast and ran outside. I left the
TV on and went and got Joye out of bed. I went and got Joye some toast and applesauce and started feeding her. The
Backyardigans came on and she was
mesmerized by it. She just stared and then started dancing. The whole time they sang she would dance. So I grabbed the camera, and looped back to the first of the show. (I love
DVR by the way) I'm so excited! I keep counting down to the time that I can put Joye in dance. It's a year and 4 months! It's fun having the boys in dance, but it's just so different with a girl. Hopefully she'll love it like I did.
Every time she hears music she starts dancing or nodding her to the beat. Braden tells me that
Jaxon was just like that when he was a baby, and we all know how he is now with his dancing, so hopefully Joye is the same.