
What!?! Why!?!

Last night Alek fell asleep on the couch and after a while I got him up and made him go to bed. He was pretty out of it so I helped him walk to bed, when we passed the bathroom I asked him he needed to go potty. He was so out of it that he just mumbled so I figured that I'd just put him in bed. He was there for like 2 minutes then he was in the kitchen whining, I just thought that he was getting a drink or something. I told Jaxon to go check and see what was wrong. Jaxon came back and told me that Alek had PEED IN THE KITCHEN!!! I jumped up and ran in, he was pulling his pants back up. He had gone over by the dishwasher, pulled his pants down and let it go! It was all over the dishwasher, the cupboard, and the floor... how can so much come out of someone so little? Braden was kind of mad, he kept saying, "He walked right passed the bathroom to get to the kitchen." But I was ok with it. The kitchen floor is easy to clean up at least it wasn't his sheets.


Jaxon's Scare

I think we have an accident prone family. Over the past year I think I have blogged about more scares than anyone. Jaxon was at Grandma and Grandpa Fessler's on Thursday, and the boys were playing baseball. It was time to clean up and the boys put the ends of the baseball bats in their mouths. Well Jaxon fell on his and jammed the bat down his throat. We weren't there when it happened, so when I got there I took a look. The first thing I thought was Jaxon almost gave himself a accidental tonsillectomy. His right side(left on picture), middle and under his tongue are bruised. But on his left side (right on picture) is cut. Wendy called the dentist and he said just to keep it clean and watch it, but it should be okay. Keep it clean means rinse with Listerine... Ouch! Jaxon is so brave, he gargles the Listerine like a champ. And for pain we're supposed to spray Chloraseptic on it. Jaxon hasn't used that since the morning after. He says that it doesn't hurt that bad. On the way home after it happened, he kept telling me that his belly hurt because he put the bat in his mouth and it went to his throat. The only thing I could figure is that he must have swallowed some blood when it happened and it upset his stomach. I am so thankful that all of are scares are minor ones. Nothing too serious has happened.


Easter Pictures

Well I finally got around to taking the kids Easter pictures. I knew Joye was going to be a stink, so I waited until Braden could help. And I was right! We couldn't get Joye to sit still and when we did we couldn't get her to smile and look at the camera. Then we took the group pictures, I thought this will be easier the boys will cooperate...Wrong! They are like little gumbi's when you are trying to get them to pose. Braden was trying to get them to smile and so I didn't realize til after I was photoshopping them, that none of them are looking at the camera. And then trying to take the 2 gumbi's pictures was fun too...Braden gave up and went outside, that's how bad they were. But all in all we got some good ones so enjoy.


Dancing Baby!

Today the boys ate their breakfast and ran outside. I left the TV on and went and got Joye out of bed. I went and got Joye some toast and applesauce and started feeding her. The Backyardigans came on and she was mesmerized by it. She just stared and then started dancing. The whole time they sang she would dance. So I grabbed the camera, and looped back to the first of the show. (I love DVR by the way) I'm so excited! I keep counting down to the time that I can put Joye in dance. It's a year and 4 months! It's fun having the boys in dance, but it's just so different with a girl. Hopefully she'll love it like I did. Every time she hears music she starts dancing or nodding her to the beat. Braden tells me that Jaxon was just like that when he was a baby, and we all know how he is now with his dancing, so hopefully Joye is the same.


Our Easter Fun!

Our Easter fun started on Thursday. Thursday night we colored our eggs. We found out pretty fast that we have one boy who is all about quality and the other who is all about quantity. Any guesses which boy is which? Well I’ll tell you Jaxon is all about quantity. He did 10 eggs before Alek got 2 done. Alek is all about quality. Alek was so patient and wanted the best colored eggs. And his were, his were the brightest.

Then on Friday our next door neighbors invited us to go to the Heritage Farm in Logan. They were having their Baby Animal Days. It was so much fun! Yet again our boys were polar opposites. Jaxon touched one animal the entire time we were there. And Alek got in every pen there was and touched all the animals. At the farm I got the best compliment ever from Alek. We were looking at the ponies and Alek turns around and says “Hey mom, you’re big like that horse huh.” Our neighbor Matt about died. He couldn’t believe that Alek would say that, but then again, neither could I. And let me tell you there is nothing like having your three year old tell you, you’re big like a horse.
Jaxon the wimp touching the goat.
I can make a peacock sound so I did it. And I must have said something insulting, cause this peacock tried to come after me. It was so scary!!
This peacock was cool with the blue spot.
An albino peacock.
Here are the kids waiting in line to throw tomahawks.
Jaxon and Alek throwing their tomahawks.

On Saturday we went to the Anderson’s to have lunch and an egg hunt. It was kind of weird though because it was only us and Sherin’s family, minus Mark he was working. We missed everybody else who couldn’t make it. The kids had so much fun playing outside, and finding eggs. They really had fun with Braden; he is such a kid at heart, he gets right in there with them.
Jaxon was having so much fun pulling Alek and Joye in the wagon.

Sara and Braden having a headstand contest
And Easter Sunday, Braden had to go to the church early and have choir practice. He sang a solo in the Easter Cantata, he did amazing! I was so proud of him. He is such an amazing singer! He brought such a spirit to the meeting when he sang. I cried and as I looked around I certainly wasn’t the only one. Anyway since he had to go to the church early we woke the kids up early and let them see Easter before Braden needed to leave. We walked into the living room and the boys saw their bikes and were so excited. The boys also got soft air guns. They were so happy that they could go out and shoot with Daddy. After they looked at their stuff they went around the room and found the eggs we colored. Joye got right in there and found her share of the eggs. We found all that we could but the cartons weren’t full. And the boys couldn’t figure it out. So I told them that the night before Braden and I was lying in bed and heard something in the house. So Braden had got out of bed with his gun to see what it was, and when he came out he found the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny got scared and hopped away, so maybe he dropped some eggs outside on the front lawn. So we hurried and got shoes on and went outside and the Easter Bunny and left a tramp on the lawn!!!! The boys were so excited, Jaxon kept screaming, “We got a trampoline! We got a trampoline!” I was glad that the boys loved the tramp, because the Easter Bunny and his assistant were up until 1:00 in the morning trying to get it all set up. Enclosures are nice, but a pain to get on. For Easter Joye got a Cabbage Patch doll and a carseat. She loved her doll. She was playing with it and I said, “Joye do you love your new doll?” And right after I said that I swear she said yes. It was so funny. After church we went to Braden’s parents and had dinner and then played lots of games outside.

Joye, Alek, and Jaxon finding eggs Easter morning

Joye playing with her new doll
Trampoline Fun!! Joye loved bouncing, until Braden went too high.
Easter wore them right out.

We had a great Easter!


Scrapbook Fun

So ever since Joni taught me how to scrapbook on photoshop, I've been addicted. Every time I am on the computer I am either messing around with photoshop or on the internet searching for cute scrapbook stuff. Today I found this cute saying and I immediately thought of a picture of when Braden holding Joye when she was born. I loved it. It's crazy to think that Joye was that small. She sure isn't anymore.



Well what can I say... Baseball is back!!! As you can tell we are Braves fans in this house. They played their first game tonight and they WON!! Hopefully how they play their first game is the way they are going to play the rest. Last year was a rough season for us. We were almost embarrassed to say we were Braves fans. Braden is a little bitter this season, because John Smoltz, his favorite player, went to the Red Sox. Braden only cheers for the Red Sox to go against the Yankees. And to make Katelyn crazy of course. I keep telling him that it's going to be ok, because the Braves still have Jeff Francoeur. He hit a homerun tonight by the way! Last season we had the boys doing the tomahawk chop and the Braves chant. Hopefully it will work out that we will be able to go to Colorado and watch the Braves play the Rockies. Not only would we love it, but I think the boys would too. Braden and I went to Atlanta on our Honeymoon just to see the Braves play and all last year we wanted to go back.


3 Babies

Joye woke up this morning and the boys love to go in a play with her before I get her out. Well I went to go get her, and I walked in to see this. Three babies. I thought I had 2 big boys, and 1 baby girl that was getting too big too fast. They are so funny.