When we took her to the doctor, he said that he didn't think it was broken, maybe just a ripple fracture. When collar bones are broken, they stick out. He sent us over to x-ray. When we got back he came in and said, "I can't believe it. It is broken clear through." He showed us the x-ray and it was broke through and it had only shifted 1mm. He sent us home with a sling and an ace bandage to wrap around her to keep her arm close by her. He said it would take 4-6 weeks to heal. She needs to wear the sling and bandage for 2 weeks, then we can take the bandage off, and just let her wear the sling. In 4 weeks we need to go back in and get some more x-rays. The doctor said by then, it should have started to heal. If it hasn't we may need to do surgery, and put a plate on her collar bone. So please keep Joye in your prayers, that she can heal quickly, and not need surgery.
Joye was so tough. She only cried from pain, right after it happened. Every other time it would hurt, she would only whimper. She cried 3 times at the doctors. 1-She didn't want to stand or sit on the scale. 2-She didn't want to get her x-ray. 3-She didn't want the nurse touching her, to put her sling on. So in other words, she's just really stubborn. She is such a trooper. Braden needs to find those wrestlers from back in high school and tell them that his 2 year old daughter just showed them up ☺
This is a picture right before we went to the doctor. Her right, your left, you can see a little bruise, and if you look close a little bit different angle. Don't mind her crazy eyes.