
Alek's Scare

We took the boys down to dance today and we were there a little early and the door was locked, I waited in the car and Braden was playing and running around with the boys. Next thing I know Braden is running toward the truck saying he needs his first aid kit. I look at Alek and he is covered in blood. They were running and he slipped on some loose gravel and fell on a cement slab that was part of the foundation. He gashed his right eye pretty much right through his eyebrow. It was about 2 inches long, a half of inch wide, and 3/4 of an inch deep. We ran him up to Ogden Regional and got him some stitches. They drugged him up, so they could do the stitches and have him hold still. He was loopy for a while, which was kind of funny. Because they drugged him, they put him on oxygen and a bunch of monitors. Which he didn't like, he wanted them off the whole time. They put about 15 dissolvable stitches in the under layer of tissue then about 10 on the top layer. Alek was so tough he cried for a minute when it happened and then he cried when they gave him the shot of medicine, and once after he woke up, and that's all. Braden told him that if he was brave and didn't cry he would buy him a toy. Any toy he wanted, Alek decided that he wanted a green motorcycle. After he woke up the first coherent thing he said was, "Where's my green motorcycle?" We told him after we left the hospital we'd get it. The Nurse said that because he was so big and brave that he could have a stuffed animal. He took it, but he wouldn't say thank you. When the nurse left he started to cry, his third time crying, and said, "I don't want this, I just want my green motorcycle!" All of his monitors went crazy, and started beeping his heart rate shot up. He really wanted a green motorcycle. After we calmed him down, and told him that he got the stuffed animal AND the motorcycle, he loved the stuffed animal and wouldn't let it go. He must be our accident prone child, at the first of this year we took him into the hospital to get staples in his head because he fell on a nail. The funny thing is, is that we were in the same room in the ER as last time. Room 8.

Here it is
Here is our brave Alek, hooked up to all the machines, doped up.
Alek and his stuffed animal
Here is the after shot with his stitches. He looks like a boxer, his eye is all swollen and puffy.



jonisill said...

How sad!! I feel so bad for him! He's such a tough kid. He sure did a good job. It looks painful. I can't wait to see you guys.

Staci Scott said...

Gross! How could you post a picture like that? Just kidding. I would've never imagined it that bad, but the pictures show how horrible his little accident was. The poor kid! I hope he heals well. Tell him we love him and we think he is so tough. Staci

Coby and KaeDawn said...

Oh my..that looks like it hurts!! Is he doing ok? I have had stitches on both my eyebrows and it does leave a pretty cool scar..haha Yeah come up and visit anytime..we are always home now cause we don't want to take Braxton out yet:)