
More Photoshop!

So Braden has been playing some more. I told him to pick a picture and do lots of different things to it so here they are.
The Original
He cropped it, got rid of the hose and the toy keys. He got the mud and scratches off the car, and made the grass green.
Black & White
Black & White with colored car.
This one reminds me of the movie Pleasantville. Where things start changing into color.
This one he tried to make it look like a painting. Making it look like a painting takes a long time, and it's hard. It's going to take a lot of practice.
I did this one. I just did Joye colored.


Monica said...

LAME! I could do that...Bwahaha! JK! They are gorgeous re-touches!!! Show those to Andy and be like...so what took so long fool? hahahahah!

Anonymous said...

The second to last one looks kind of like that one you showed me that looks like they drew it. In my opinion at least

Leslie said...

Those look so great. I love what you can do with computers!!!