
Yay Joye!

At church I get the privilege of taking Joye into the Nursery. Why you ask. Because Braden is a big softy. Joye doesn't like nursery the first few minutes, and she screams. She usually starts crying down the hall, when you start to get closer to the door. When inside the nursery, she screams while having a death grip on your clothes, trying to undress you. I must be too mean. Braden can't take her and let her cry for a minute. He stands outside the door, and keeps telling me, "If she keeps crying, I'm going to go get her and take her with me." Then I reply, "No you're not! She is fine. You big baby." Joye will stop crying within 2 or 3 minutes, and then she plays and participates in all the activities. Well yesterday at church Braden handed her over, and we headed off toward nursery. Only yesterday, there was no crying down the hall. We walked into nursery, I put her down on the floor, and started to walk away. There was no crying, no ripping of clothes, nothing! YAY!! Since I am the Relief Society Secretary I take roll, so I peeked in the nursery to see what sisters were there, and they were just finishing up their lesson, and having prayer. There was my Baby Joye sitting in her chair, arms folded on the table and her little head bowed down resting on her arms. How sweet. When church was over, a nursery leader brought all the kids to me in the Relief Society room. The boys are always so excited to show me what they got from Primary, and Joye followed suit. She came running in screaming "Look! Look!" And holding her picture that she colored in Nursery. Hopefully this is the new routine for church, it was wonderful! And maybe Braden can take Joye into nursery!

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